At, we are commited to provide you with most accurate age calculations in different frequencies. With only DOB provided, we keep our customers up to date about their running ages and other age-related facts.
Age is a very important aspect of life. And we aim to create a user-friendly environment for our users so that they feel no issue while calculating their age with engaging interface.
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Helen Stark
Masters In Astrology Sciences
Astrological analysis, logical reasoning, mathematics
Helen Stark is an intelligent personality holding a Master's degree in Astrology Sciences from the prestigious Northeastern University of London, England.
Years of experience have made Helen learn astrological charts and their mathematical underpinnings.
Her passion for astrology and mathematics has led her to create innovative tools and techniques for accurate astrological predictions. Helen's unique blend of astrological insight and mathematical precision makes her a valuable asset to the age calculator website, where her expertise can help users understand and interpret their lunar, chronological, biological, Pearson, and astrological signs with accuracy and clarity.
Nick Walker
Master of Science in Clinical Informatics Management (MCiM)
Healthcare Data Analysis, Healthcare IT Security, Continuous Learning and Adaptability
Nick Walker is a seasoned healthcare informatics professional with a Master of Science in Clinical Informatics Management (MCiM) from Stanford University, California.
Nick has a strong background in leveraging data analytics that has helped him improve patient outcomes and operational efficiency. His deep understanding of healthcare IT security protocols ensures the protection of sensitive patient data.
Nick's dedication to continuous learning and adaptability allows him to stay ahead of the latest advancements in healthcare informatics.