Enter values to know how old you are according to the Korean age system.
Use our Korean age calculator to calculate your age considering Korean culture. The Korean age can be calculated differently, traditionally by adding one or two years to your International age.
If you want to calculate your Korean age, consider the following formulas:
Korean age based on the current DOB:
Add 1 to the current year, then subtract the year of your birth, and you will get your Korean age.
Korean age = ( Current Birthdate - Year of birth ) + 1
Korean age if your birthday has passed:
If your birthday has passed then add 1 to your current age:
Korean age = your age + 1
Korean age if your birthday has not passed:
If your birthday hasn't passed yet, then you can add 2 to your current age:
Korean age = your age + 2
The difference between the both aging systems:
If your birthday is July 06, 1998, then,
Considering the above birthday again (July 06, 1998),
The following Korean age chart will help you know how to pronounce your age in Korea.
Birth On | Age | Korean | Romanization |
2023 | 1 year old | 두 살 | han sal |
2022 | 2 year old | 세 살 | du sal |
2021 | 3 year old | 네 살 | se sal |
2020 | 4 year old | 다섯 살 | ne sal |
2019 | 5 year old | 여섯 살 | da-seot sal |
2018 | 6 year old | 일곱 살 | yeo-seot sal |
2017 | 7 year old | 여덟 살 | il-gop sal |
2016 | 8 year old | 아홉 살 | yeo-dul sal |
2015 | 9 year old | 열 살 | a-hop sal |
2014 | 10 year old | 열한 살 | yeol sal |
2013 | 11 year old | 열두 살 | yeol-han sal |
2012 | 12 year old | 열세 살 | yeol-du sal |
2011 | 13 year old | 열네 살 | yeol-se sal |
2010 | 14 year old | 열다섯 살 | yeol-ne sal |
2009 | 15 year old | 열여섯 살 | yeol-da-seot sal |
2008 | 16 year old | 열일곱 살 | yeol-yeo-seot sal |
2007 | 17 year old | 열여덟 살 | yeol-il-gop sal |
2006 | 18 year old | 열아홉 살 | yeol-yeo-dul sal |
2005 | 19 year old | 스무 살 | yeol-a-hop sal |
2004 | 20 year old | 스물한 살 | seu-mu sal |
2003 | 21 year old | 스물두 살 | seu-mul-han sal |
2002 | 22 year old | 스물세 살 | seu-mul-du sal |
2001 | 23 year old | 스물네 살 | seu-mul-se sal |
2000 | 24 year old | 스물다섯 살 | seu-mul-ne sal |
1999 | 25 year old | 스물여섯 살 | seu-mul-da-seot sal |
1998 | 26 year old | 스물일곱 살 | seu-mul-yeo-seot sal |
1997 | 27 year old | 스물여덟 살 | seu-mul-il-gop sal |
1996 | 28 year old | 스물아홉 살 | seu-mul-yeo-dul sal |
1995 | 29 year old | 서른 살 | seu-mul-a-hop sal |
1994 | 30 year old | 서른한 살 | seo-reun sal |
1993 | 31 year old | 서른두 살 | seo-reun-han sal |
1992 | 32 year old | 서른세 살 | seo-reun-du sal |
1991 | 33 year old | 서른네 살 | seo-reun-se sal |
1990 | 34 year old | 서른다섯 살 | seo-reun-ne sal |
1989 | 35 year old | 서른여섯 살 | seo-reun-da-seot sal |
1988 | 36 year old | 서른일곱 살 | seo-reun-yeo-seot sal |
1987 | 37 year old | 서른여덟 살 | seo-reun-il-gop sal |
1986 | 38 year old | 서른아홉 살 | seo-reun-yeo-dul sal |
1985 | 39 year old | 마흔 살 | seo-reun-a-hop sal |
1984 | 40 year old | 마흔한 살 | ma-heun sal |
1983 | 41 year old | 마흔두 살 | ma-heun-han sal |
1982 | 42 year old | 마흔세 살 | ma-heun-du sal |
1981 | 43 year old | 마흔네 살 | ma-heun-se sal |
1980 | 44 year old | 마흔네 살 | ma-heun-ne sal |
Limitation: This calculator does not give you age calculations based on actual DOB. It tells you your Korean age that aligns with the Korean age system only.
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Wikipedia: Korean age, East Asian age reckoning