Add your date of birth to calculate your age in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
Use this age calculator to calculate your exact age and years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds you have lived till today. It will also make certain calculations and show some informative facts about your life and age-related comparisons.
It is based on your date of birth, let our age calculator calculate your age chronologically.
Different aging systems have their own rules for calculating age. The most common and broadly accepted of them is the International age system. According to it, you can determine your age by two different methods, including:
Our age calculator also calculates how many days you have lived so far by considering the following equation:
Age in days = Number of years with 365 days + Number of years with 366 days + Days remaining in the current year
Related: You can also calculate how old you are in Korea with our Korean age calculator which calculates your age according to the Korean age reckoning system.