Use this calculator to calculate your birthday and the days remaining.
Select Your Date Of Birth
Our birthday calculator helps to calculate:
Plus, it also gives you the days until the upcoming half birthday.
Birthday can be calculated by either of the following methods:
For example:
If your date of birth is April 20, 1999, and your current date is April 18, 2024:
As April 20 has not passed, so the upcoming birthday will be on April 20, 2024.
Add your current age (21) and today's date using the birthday calculator to know your date of birth.
You can estimate the date of birth of a deceased person if you know his/her age in years, months, and days. The process involves three subtractions, such as:
Generation | Years |
The WWII Generation | 1901 to 1927 |
The Post War Generation | 1928 to 1945 |
The Boomer Generation | 1946 to 1964 |
Generation X | 1965 to 1980 |
Millennials | 1981 to 1996 |
Generation Z | 1997 to 2012 |
Generation Alpha | 2013 to 2024 |
Wikipedia: Birthday, Legal conventions, Cultural conventions, Traditions, Distribution through the year
Redlich, O. (2020). The Concept of Birthday: A Theoretical, Historical, and Social Overview, in Judaism and Other Cultures.